1) Prochem B144-01 Stain pro 1L
Unit: 1L
- Ideal for cotton and natural fibres.
- Heavy duty water and solvent-based alkaline protein spotter for blood, vomit, wine, ink, fresh tea and coffee and most food-based stains.
- Clear liquid with mint fragrance.
- Dilution 1 to 1 or ready-to-use pH 10.5
2) Prochem Citrus Gel E840-01
Unit: 1L
Prochem Citrus Gel is a highly popular spot and stain remover for oil, grease, tar, gum and other oily spots on carpet and fabrics.
- It is used by many professional carpet cleaners but is also suitable for domestic use.
- It's easy to use. You just apply to the spot or stain and allow 2 to 5 minutes contact time. Then scrape dissolved residue or blot with a white towel or tissue.
- Safely useable on many spots and stains, it is formulated to work on the fibre surface; this way, it avoids causing damage to latex backings, a common problem with other citrus-based solvents.
- Prochem Citrus Gel is a white gel with a citrus fragrance.
- Ready to use.
- pH 5
3) Prochem Ink Solv E848-01
Unit: 0.5L
A water-based micro-emulsion spotter for nail polish, marker pen ink and PVA adhesive on carpets, fabrics and other surfaces.
- Clear liquid with a mild aromatic odour.
- Ready-to-use pH 7.5
4)Prochem Coffee Stain Remover with Spray B195-01
Unit: 1L
Specially formulated ready-to-use acidic spotter for tea, coffee, beer, tannin, watermarks and other yellow and brown discolourations on carpet and fabric.
- Clear liquid with lemon fragrance.
- Ready-to-use pH 2.5
5) Prochem Urine Neutraliser with Spray B153-01
Unit: 1L Spray
Urine Neutraliser Exclusive to Prochem is an acidic deodorant for neutralising and deodorising urine by direct application.
- Neutralises odour from urine deposits on contact and prevents staining.
- Yellow tinted liquid with a fresh fragrance.
- Dilution 1 to 1 or ready-to-use
- pH 4